Sunday, July 9, 2017

Justin Timberlake in The Studio with Timbaland (2005)

Today's Throwback features Justin Timberlake and Producer Timbaland during work on the smash cd Futuresex/Lovesounds pictured in The Hit Factory studios September of 2005

In 2005, Timberlake felt inspired to record songs again. Motivated by the "sad state" of pop radio, he decided he needed to experiment with music. Reportedly, it was not until Timberlake turned to producer Timbaland "that he figured out the direction he wanted the record to take".In November 2005, Timberlake visited Timbaland's brand-new Studios in Miami Beach, The Hit Factory, United States. Timbaland had previously collaborated with Timberlake, producing four tracks for Justified including 
"Cry Me a River"

wow has it really been 11 years!?!

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